How to place an order? You can order through this website by simply adding to your cart and following the steps. You may purchase immediately or decide to keep them in your cart for a later purchase. |
Can you take custom orders? Yes, we offer this service to design professionals, business or trade. Kindly get in touch with our Sales to see how we can help. |
How do I know which lighting product is right for my space? Our expert team can help you assess your needs and recommend the best lighting options based on your space, usage, and energy efficiency goals. |
How long does it take to process and ship an order? Most orders are processed within 1-2 business days, with fast shipping options available to get your products to you quickly. |
Do you offer free shipping? Not at the moment, but follow us for updates on discounts and shipping offers in the future. |
Can I track my order? Yes, once your order ships, you’ll receive a tracking number to monitor its delivery status. |